Sunday, October 14, 2012

Hello Explores!!!
Japanese week was awesome!
We all had a great time learning about the culture of the Japanese!

This week we will be working on the letter "D"! Which happens to be my favorite letter in the alphabet! Can you guess why?!

We will also begin our studies of frogs!!!!!
We will be learning about how frogs develop from eggs into adults.
We might even have new class pets for frog week! Ribit, ribit!
Halloween is right around the corner!
We need volunteers to help with our party on Halloween day! This falls on a Wednesday.
If your child does not regularly attend on Wednesdays, you are still welcome to bring them in for the party!
If you are interested in getting some angels hours for volunteering, sign up sheets are located on the tables in Fellowship Hall!
If anyone has questions regarding angel hours, volunteering, or the Halloween party, please let me or Ms. Steph know!
Can't wait to see ya'll in class

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