Monday, December 17, 2012

Dear Jeffco parents,

This message is about the tragedy at an elementary school today in Connecticut. Our hearts are broken for the families and the community– we hold them in our hearts and prayers.

Please be assured that our Jeffco staff does everything they can to keep your children safe. We will heighten our awareness even more over the next week, with extra security precautions.

We will have resources on our website for parents who may need help in talking to their children about this tragedy. The website is

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Hello Explorers,

We want to thank you all for attending our Christmas performance!

You all looked fantastic and sang beautifully!

This week, we will be learning about the letter "Hh".
Honey Horse and Harry Hedgehog are heaving heavy hay!
We will also begin our two weeks of Christmas!
We will discuss the importance of giving to and helping others!
See you all in class!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Dear Parents,

 It is time for All Precious Children’s Annual Christmas Performance this Sunday, December 9th.  Please have your child at the church at 9:45 a.m. dressed in their Christmas attire! Toddlers will meet in their classroom room C. Preschool, Jr. Kindergarten and Kindergarten students will meet in room E (Ms. Stephanie & Ms. Dawn’s classroom).   Parents will then make their way to the Narthex (Church upstairs) for the performance.  Please let your child’s teacher know if you do not wish participate so we may plan accordingly.

 Friendly reminder please remains seated until the service/worship has ended. Students will remain with their teachers.  Please meet students and teachers in the first two pews for pick-up.   Refreshment will immediately follow. Hope to see you there!!!!!

*Please practice this song with your child.   (

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Howdy Elevating Explorers',

We are still learning about the Wild West this week!
We will also continue to work with the letter "Gg"
Gordy gorilla gets giant gree grapes!
Go Broncos!!!!!!!

                                               See ya'll in class!!!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Hello Explorers,
Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We have missed you all so much and are excited to see you again!!!
This week is "Wild West" week!
Be sure to wear your boots and cowboy hats!
Feel free to bring in your wild west items to share with the class!
The letter for this week is "G"!
Can't wait to see you all !!!!!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hey Explorers,
Hope you all enjoyed the snow!        
This week we will be working on the letter "E".
This is excellent for the Elevating Explorers!
The Halloween party is on Wednesday the 31st.
If it is not your child's regular day, please feel free to bring them in for the festivities.
Activities will begin around 10:00am.
We will be providing some time during class to help children get in to costumes, if needed.
Parent/ Teacher conferences will be November 7th & 8th
Sign-up sheets are located on top of our cubbys.
Thanksgiving break will begin on Friday, November 16th and end on Sunday, November 25th. School will resume on Monday, November 26th! Please make note that tuition is still due during school breaks to help maintain annual costs during the school year. Thank you and have a great Thanksgiving Break!!
Please remember that Breakfast Bunch is from 8:30am- 9:00am. If you bring your child during this time we ask that you provide them with breakfast!!
Also, remember that we are a nut sensitive preschool and we do not allow peanut butter or any items processed in a nut factory. However, if you bring a sandwich or dip for your student to enjoy during lunch and it is sunflower seed butter, apple butter, or any other type of butter, please make a note of that in the lunchbox or on the baggie so we can give our teachers a heads up. Please double check food labels as well as the ingredients!
Check out this website for information on Child and Adult Safety Classes from the Arvada Police Department.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Hello Explores!!!
Japanese week was awesome!
We all had a great time learning about the culture of the Japanese!

This week we will be working on the letter "D"! Which happens to be my favorite letter in the alphabet! Can you guess why?!

We will also begin our studies of frogs!!!!!
We will be learning about how frogs develop from eggs into adults.
We might even have new class pets for frog week! Ribit, ribit!
Halloween is right around the corner!
We need volunteers to help with our party on Halloween day! This falls on a Wednesday.
If your child does not regularly attend on Wednesdays, you are still welcome to bring them in for the party!
If you are interested in getting some angels hours for volunteering, sign up sheets are located on the tables in Fellowship Hall!
If anyone has questions regarding angel hours, volunteering, or the Halloween party, please let me or Ms. Steph know!
Can't wait to see ya'll in class

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Hello Elevayting Explorers! Happy Columbus Day, to all you awesome explorers!
This week we are still going to work on the letter "C".

We will also continue to learn about the Japanese culture. We will practice counting in Japanese and trying a few Japanese foods. We will also try writing in Japanese!
Reminders & Notices
Picture and Fund-raiser packets have been extended to Thursday, October 11th!
Don't forget about the fire drill on Thursday!
      We will be practicing throughout the week. So be prepared, Explorers!!!!!!!           
Okay-dokie friends,
See you all in class!!!!

Sunday, September 30, 2012


This week we will be working on the letter "C"!

We will also be painting our hands in fall colors for our Cozy Corner tree!

Picture orders are due no later than Wed. Sept 3rd!

                          See you all in class!


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hello Elevating Explorers!
For this next week, we will be working on the letter "B."
We will also be discussing our families!


We are going to be holding a fire drill on Thursday, October 11th @ 11:00am.
We will be having mock drills on the Tuesday and Wednesday before the 11th.
We will be preparing in our classroom over the next few weeks.
Thursday, Sept. 20th

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Here we are listening to a story!

  We had a great first week! We learned about the letter "A", we talked about our feet, we discussed some of our classroom guidelines, and of course we all had lots of fun! 

Busy with our worksheets!

Lining up! Everybody smile!
Playing in the sand!
On top of the climber!
Is it a bucket or a hat?

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Welcome to the Elevating Explores!
Open house night was a sucess! Thank you for joining us!
If you were unable to join us and you have any questions, please let us know!
 Dramtic Play

For families that have not seen our classroom yet, here are a few pictures for you. We are looking forward to our first day of school on Tuesday! See you all soon!

Cozy Corner
Circle Time

Thursday, August 23, 2012

 Testing:                                       Welcome to Preschool!