Sunday, September 30, 2012


This week we will be working on the letter "C"!

We will also be painting our hands in fall colors for our Cozy Corner tree!

Picture orders are due no later than Wed. Sept 3rd!

                          See you all in class!


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hello Elevating Explorers!
For this next week, we will be working on the letter "B."
We will also be discussing our families!


We are going to be holding a fire drill on Thursday, October 11th @ 11:00am.
We will be having mock drills on the Tuesday and Wednesday before the 11th.
We will be preparing in our classroom over the next few weeks.
Thursday, Sept. 20th

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Here we are listening to a story!

  We had a great first week! We learned about the letter "A", we talked about our feet, we discussed some of our classroom guidelines, and of course we all had lots of fun! 

Busy with our worksheets!

Lining up! Everybody smile!
Playing in the sand!
On top of the climber!
Is it a bucket or a hat?

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Welcome to the Elevating Explores!
Open house night was a sucess! Thank you for joining us!
If you were unable to join us and you have any questions, please let us know!
 Dramtic Play

For families that have not seen our classroom yet, here are a few pictures for you. We are looking forward to our first day of school on Tuesday! See you all soon!

Cozy Corner
Circle Time